Intuition or a conditioned fear response?

We all have intuition, it’s not some special thing that only a few are born with… 

It’s like a muscle, the more you work it the stronger it gets.

Some people completely ignore their intuition and gradually it fades away… but it will come back if you start showing it some love again! 

Sometimes it’s hard to decipher an intuitive hit from an overwhelming urge to do something a certain way… 

We have gut feelings, and we also have gut reactions… so so similar but completely different levels. 

See on a subconscious level we are constantly interpreting our surroundings, reading others emotions and picking up on tones and body language that are so miniscule… 

yet we feel the energy change when a certain someone walks into the room… 

our bodies and minds are intelligent and they are constantly seeking signs of danger… ready to move into flight, flight or faun at any moment. 

It’s instinctively programmed into us from birth… the baby is attuned to cry if it is not close to those who can provide safety, food and shelter - seeking attachment and connection to tribe.

When we are challenged by a trauma that makes us feel unsafe it can heighten our sensitivities to all our subconscious interpretations. 

We feel vibrational shifts at a much higher level. 

When my eldest was three we were struggling with night terrors and high levels of separation anxiety around attending daycare whilst I worked. Having not fully reclaimed my work as an energy healer I took my daughter to see a kinesiologist that I trusted to help her. 

Her response after attempting over and over again to enter my daughter's energy field and being rejected and pushed out over and over again… was that her vagus nerve, associated with the parasympathetic nervous system that guides us into a relaxed state of rest and digest, was defeated, meaning she was in full sympathetic mode of fight or flight and she didn’t know how to break out of it…. She tuned into the practices my daughter needed and she told me she needed reiki on her vagus nerve. Only reiki will do, she said. 

Oh… I do reiki… I thought, feeling the importance of my role as her mother coming to light. 

This is why I feel our children chose us for the path we have lived. They need our experiences to guide their journey too and they teach us so much when we follow their lead! 

Our vagus nerve connects our brain, to the beat of our heart, the breath into our lungs, our gut and even shown to “wander” as it’s name means in latin, into the clitoris to stimulate woman's pleasure even after spinal injuries.  

Our Vagus nerve moves through each of the body's main energy centers and is connected to energetic meridians that act as channels for energy, prana, chi, vital force to travel through the body and there are many techniques that I can now help my daughter, myself and my clients to stimulate this nerve into a state of relax.

It’s important that we recognise this role the vagus nerve plays in reading and interpreting energy and vibrational frequencies as if it is underdeveloped or under utilised due to high states of sympathetic fight or flight reaction to environmental stimuli then the highly senstives are picking up on all frequencies with a force of fear and reaction.

Gut reaction is highly emotionally charged. It is our motor response to external stimuli that could be a loud noise, or could be as highly specific as a teachers bad morning that she is smiling through… our highly sensitive kids are picking up on every sign in the environment like warning bells blasting the ear drums and screaming to run for safety or fight for your life. 

Same as highly sensitive mothers, if we are stuck in a spiral of survival mode we are picking up signals with a gut reaction born from fear. 

Any past psychological wounds, traumas, scaring or even generational conditioning and patterns burn holes of gut reactions that keep us accepted, wanted, loved and safe to save us from fear and shame. 

Those great abandonment fears… the constant worry about what everyone might think… the incessant people pleasing. I know them cause I recognize them in myself. 

When we are in a grounded state, our vagus nerve is able to flow through our energetic bodies with ease and this is when we are able to tune into our deeper sens of intuition. 

Our Gut feeling, our deeper knowing. Comes with softness. No urgency, No heightened emotional state of fear or missing out or over thinking what others may think or say. 

Intuition is the Yin, feminine energy to the reaction state of Yang in the masculine. Intuition needs no logic whilst we have been trained to only adhere to reason and rationale in a patriarchal society that undervalues the intuitive nature of trust and surrender. 

Intuition is quiet and slow and requires the space to drop in deep. 

Reaction thoughts are fast, circling through your mind in incessant chatter and seem to constantly be on the surface.

Strengthen your intuitive knowing by engaging it, acting on it and trusting it. 

Ask it questions, be that just in your mind, out loud whilst getting dressed in the morning or in your journal practice. This is intuitive writing your stream of consciousness. 

Met your inner critic and challenge that bitch… or is she actually your wounded child?

Allow space for your intuition to be heard. Meditation and tapping EFT are great!

Remember she is quiet and slow yet don’t underestimate her power and strength.