Adult Initial Naturopathic Consultation
90 mins ~ $225.00 AUD
For new clients 16 years and older, this is an online consultation where we deep dive into your holistic health.
We spend time assessing your entire symptom picture physically, emotionally and energetically. Together we unpack your medical history, family story as well as dietary analysis to address systematic connections at the root cause. From here we can navigate towards the appropriate treatment plan, pathology and any functional testing and clinical prescription if they are required to be implemented in return consultations.
You receive a treatment plan and interim prescription emailed to you after the consultation for your first stages of implementation and highlighting your next steps to continue treatment.
This consult includes a complimentary custom flower essence remedy posted to you for emotional and energetic support.
Child Initial Naturopathic Consultation
60 mins ~ $150.00 AUD
For new clients under 16 years old, this is an online consultation to deep dive into your child’s health.Your child is required to be present during this consultation for the best assessment.
We spend time assessing your child’s entire symptom picture physically, emotionally and energetically. Together we unpack their medical history, your family story as well as a dietary and sleep analysis to address systematic connections at the root cause. From here we can navigate towards the appropriate treatment plan, pathology and any functional testing and clinical prescription if they are required to be implemented in return consultations.
You receive a treatment plan and interim prescription emailed to you after the consultation for your first stages of implementation and highlighting your next steps to continue treatment.
This consult includes a complimentary custom flower essence remedy posted to you for emotional and energetic support.
Return Naturopathic Consultation
45 mins ~ $110.00 AUD
For existing clients both Adults and Children, usually booked via your client portal or at the end of your previous consultation.
Range from every 2 - 6 weeks depending on your stage of treatment and can move to 6 - 12 monthly when you are maintaining your wellness.
During this consultation we:
Address your current progress and barriers to implementation that may be physical, mental or energetic, revising your plan if needed.
Review testing results and implement necessary steps as indicated.
Assess changes in presentation and corresponding systemic implications.
Provide education as this is an opportunity to ask questions and delve deeper into taking charge of your health.
You are provided with detailed treatment plans for dietary and lifestyle advice as well as clinical prescription of herbs and nutrients as required.
Acute Naturopathic Consult
20 mins ~ $70.00 AUD
Naturopathic care of acute illness in adults or children.
Suitable for:
Cold and flu (sore throat)
Ear infections and aches
Skin rashes and infections
Breastfeeding support
Vaginal imbalances
Note: these consults do not factor in your current holistic health aspects. You may require further consultation to address any underlying lifestyle or immunity conditions.
Flower Essence Consultation
30 mins ~ $90.00 AUD
This is a short online consultation to discuss your emotional and energetic story so that I can formulate a customised flower essence remedy for emotional and energetic support in overcoming challenges and blocks.
Suitable for both adults and children's emotional and energetic regulation.
Includes remedy posted to you after the consultation.