Helping our child feel grounded and safe through Base Chakra connection
The base chakra is the energy centre at the base of the spine, with nerves that send energy down the legs, connecting the body or torso of sacral, solar plexus and heart also the centers of pleasure, gut instinct power and unconditional love and compassion to the earth below.
It is our grounding point and foundation of security, safety, belonging and acceptance to tribe and our family values.
Our base connection energetically forms from conception until 1 year old and then we energetically begin to focus on the sacral alignment. So we are susceptible to energetically imprinting all the emotions and energies that surrounded our mother in those stages of our life, just as our children can integrate our energies from our pregnancies with them.
I don’t say this to instill guilt but to share understanding that energy can be shared down generational lineages with something called epigenetics and with our awareness we can alter the impression that it holds on us.
When I was a new mother I didn’t feel grounded into a community that helped me feel accepted to hold my baby and give her what my instincts were screaming at me. Instead I was made to feel guilty for wanting to feed her to sleep and told that I should be teaching her to self soothe… this led us down a path of separation anxiety and poor personal boundaries that we are still repairing today.
We can recognise signs of base chakra connection deficiency when our children, (or even ourselves) are:
Reacting out of anger/resentment/rage, lashing out saying hurtful things or fighting with their siblings.
anxiety/fears clinginess can manifest at bedtime and with waking in night terrors - even to close the eyes to go into sleep realms is a form of separation.
Poor personal boundaries - constantly in other peoples spaces clinging or poking and prodding with their feet.
Sensory processing difficulties with food sensitivities, texture avoidances particular clothes preferences even overeating or undereating
Requirements to shut out the world, screen time to numb and process feelings
Inability to slow down, relax or switch off - always needing to be busy and switching from one thing to the next
We support our childs base chakra when we nurture connection to family tribe and support systems through meeting them where their values lie and interweaving our honour codes.
Gentle parenting, attachment parenting or whatever other label you want to use for respectfully nurturing your child's connection to you serves a base chakra energy.
Wear your babies, let them sleep next to you, breastfeeding on demand all serves the energy of ‘you are safe, you are secure…’ something that we are repairing in so many adults today who have disconnected from their foundation of safety
Support base chakra with grounding time
Embodiment to connect with the physical plane through holding, carrying and nurturing hugs and baby wearing, making time in the rhythm for cuddle time
Acceptance of their whole self even when in “bad/grumpy’ moods, with validating feelings picking them up when crying getting down on their level, protecting from loud noises, validating what scares them rather than the old “she’ll be right’
In the moment reassurance, even when they are reacting with violence and hurtful words. “I’m here” “You are safe” “Ok I hear you don’t want this…”
A safe home environment, walking the neighbourhood and pointing out familiar surroundings and how the earth rhythms and seasons have changed helps to bridge connection to the world around and sitting outside while your child plays shows that they are safe in their yard and eventually they will feel confident to play autonomously while you do other things - hanging washing a good thing to do while they explore on a blanket at your feet as a babe, a wandering toddler, an adventurous child and they grow.
Freedom around body autonomy - allowing them to choose their own clothes, the food on their plates - you supply the food they choose how much and when (breastfeeding on demand, fruit bowls with unlimited access, platters and choose your own food from the middle of the table style.
A bottle given lovingly is better than a breast given resentfully - do what works for your energy you are your child's biggest asset!
Free play in nature including climbing, jumping, swinging big motor movements with time to do whatever they want - less full schedules -- less anxiety
Child care that supports this and represents the comfort of homely feelings not clinical settings
Connection at home after care with quality time to feel heard and held before bedtime comes around and signifies another branch of separation… even if you stay next to them all night and you’ve been with them all day, to close eyes and switch off is a form of separation in their eyes.
Support the child's needs - ask them what they want to do more of and wave it into your Rhythm - more painting, more adventures, more books??
Sometimes our childs values don’t match ours this is a practice in meeting them where they’re at and maybe watching them play their video game and see what they built on minecraft or watching thor favourite youtube stars latest video...
Morning and evening and meal time rituals help set an energy of safety and assurance for what is coming next and when.
We all deserve to have our needs met, we all deserve to thrive rather than just survive.
Even if you had a rough start to your parenting journey you can repair this energy now by nurturing the child that you have.
Even if you as a child didn’t receive this support that you needed to have your needs met and feel safe in the world you can heal that inner child within, I am on the journey and I’m guiding mummas who are also doing the work required to break cycles for their children to grow into adulthood without the burdens that we have carried.
If you would like to work with me in a private mentorship journey please send me an email, I’d love to be your guide.
Thank you so much for joining me on this magical mothering journey!