Unleashing our divine feminine to thrive in motherhood

What is the Divine Feminine?

The Divine Feminine is the ancient connection to the sacredness of womanhood and all that it stands for.

The feminine is a strong force that is intuitively guided and moves in flow with natural rhythms including the time to rest, the time to play and create, the time for hunting and being the warrior - the feminine knows herself deeply and she is open to her vulnerabilities.  

So it really grates on my nerves when I see the divine feminine paraded as some fragile, pretty state of flowers and softness - and then it turns women off claiming their feminine energy as that feels icky and not them. 

As a new mum who was yearning to unleash the wild feminine that I had suppressed to fit into a masculine driven society I craved a space that supported this unleashing without judgement. 

I had my toddler and breastfeeding baby in tow, I needed this to be safe and accepting of them too and back then I couldn’t find the space - so I started my own in my backyard to then expand into hired spaces as I expanded my training in the field of holding space for women. 

We need safe spaces for women to discuss the raw realities of birth, bleeding, sex and the intricacies of the female body and it’s hormonal cascades. 


In all things, in all people, there is masculine and feminine energy and to be holistically balanced we need to nourish each energy. The yin and the yang, the left and the right, the creative and emotionally powered and the rational and measured approach. We rise united when both are supported to thrive, without suppressing the strengths of the other. 

I see them as two strands that dance in and out of each other. Like DNA, they are apart of our energetic blueprint. We flow between their dominance depending on the call of the moment. 

We’re not all going to each have the same amounts of each, we are all individual and when we align with our individual balance we find home. Within ourselves and within our flow, within our relations, dualities outside of self with others and internal dualities of our conscious self meeting our unconscious selves. 

When we have accepted our individual state of masculine and feminine energies aligned, you feel satisfied and at peace… life flows with ease. 

The important thing is that it doesn’t look the same for everyone.

So many women I work with have suppressed their Divine Feminine selves. Feel ashamed to be confident, feel uncomfortable with self love, with their bodies, their emotions and their Intuitive power.

Have suppressed resentment and dissatisfaction until it spills out as rage in uncontrolled moments…

Losing your shit and then being dismissed as the hysterical woman… dismissing yourself as the hysterical woman. 

More shame… more masking the inner rage. 

When you claim power for yourself, as an empowered and strengthened woman in your own right, without dismissing the power of your fellow men, you ignite a force of balance.


How do I connect to my Divine Feminine?

Spend time in Nature

When you connect to your Divine Feminine you are creating a sacred bond with the Earth. Our mother of all creation, all things in this world are birthed into being... the feminine connection is strongest when in nature. It is the source of all power.

Sink your bare feet into the earth, run your hands through her naturally flowing waters. Immerse yourself within her beauty and take time to just be. This is the best grounding experience you can take part in and our feminine souls crave this connection to feel in sync with the world, her body that gives itself over to us.

Rest and quiet retreat to know yourself deeply

Make time to be alone, time to simply be with no expectations, time for contemplation, journal your desires. Deep self awareness comes from knowing your triggers, your stories and conditioning, but also by knowing your values, your earth mission, your ambitions and ever changing purpose. 

Create a sacred sanctuary to be at peace with yourself. No matter how small a space you have to work with, you can create a retreat on your bedside table if that's all you've got. A salt lamp will shift the mood, keep beautiful treasures within your sight, hang your art that makes your soul sing. Play soft music that reaches your heart. Create an altar wherever you go.

Body love and acceptance

Lavish your body, mind and soul in a ritual of self love and care. Spend time in your sanctuary, touch your body, massaging succulent oils into your skin, drink beautiful teas, read mind nourishing books in a relaxing magnesium bath, light a candle... do it for you and take time to enjoy.

Whilst this kind of luscious body love is so nourishing we must also be mindful to take care of our basic needs, correcting nutritional deficiencies and eating a balanced diet of foods of the rainbow, lots of plant foods and water! The feminine is the source of receiving and holding a reserve of energy. She is a vessel for new growth and creating life. 

Cycle awareness

Observe the cycles of nature, the Sun, the Seasons, your menstrual cycle and the lunar cycle. Look up at the moon and revel in her beauty, acknowledge her changes, her ebb and her flow. Correlate her movements through the constellations against your own flow, how do they relate? Can you see any patterns? How does the Moon cycle affect your own rhythms and emotion? 

Trusting your intuition 

Play with your intuition and notice when it speaks to you daily. Get yourself an oracle deck that you love! Explore the depths of your higher self, tune into your inner messages of guidance. Practice trusting that gut feeling and push the boundaries of your own personal challenges to expand and grow your infinite possibilities. Your intuition expands when you follow it. 

Mindful movement 

Feel strong in your bodies, in your minds and in your hearts. Feel into your edges and the stability of your feet on the ground when you dance, run, stretch… Feel your strength grow when you practise yoga or lifting heavy things. Surrender to your flow in your sex, in the way you move your hips when you walk with a sway. 

Creativity and joy 

Have fun in life and find your way of creativity. I never thought I was creative until a friend pointed out the way I meditate through journeys  and write about my expression of this life. What is your form of creativity? How do you like to express yourself? 


When we unleash our divine feminine energy we align with the energy of receiving, of nurturing, of grounded presence and intuitive knowing. A deep connection with self that is imperative for connecting with others. 

In order to thrive in our motherhood we need to unleash the ties to patriarchal expectations that keep us burning out in the masculine task force driven energy. It’s necessary at times - we call on our rhythm and boundaries our values and ambitions to keep us striving and attentive as the divine masculine calls. 

But let’s not forget the graceful power we gain from embracing our feminine strengths.