What even is a Chakra??

A Chakra is an energetic centre, we have many chakras within and around our bodies and they make up the majority of our subtle energetic body.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word for spinning wheel of light as the energy is constantly in motion, spiralling to keep up momentum and flow.

All matter is constantly in motion, vibrating at different frequencies, so each energy centre, or chakra, is emitting different wavelengths of light in the form of its own colour, sound, physical allocation and even its own emotional body alliance.

Think of the colour spectrum, the rainbow is made from light catching different frequencies of energy… we all have our own Aura of energy around us some of us, especially children can see them quite clearly while others take practice.

Our physicality, or 3D awareness of self is only so tangible as it is our most slowly vibrating state of matter… it has slowed down enough to be solid and touchable, to be seen with the eye, yet we are multidimensional beings, layered within different frequencies, the physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual.

I see our chakra centres like two cones tip to tip, as a tight spiral hooked into the spine at the narrow end and expanding in diameter to the front and out to the back... funnelling the energy in and out from the auric field…

I find it really interesting that the 7 main chakras coincide with parts of the body with high level of nerve and endocrine function flowing through the lymphatic system with energetic meridians or pathways to keep cycling our energy through and around our body, anchoring down into Earth with grounding and ascending up into sky through the crown.

We also have minor chakras, or lesser known energetic points of transmission of energy in and out of the body in place around the body but also our hands and feet, our knees, our breasts, our eyes, ears, higher heart or clavicle and within organs like our stomach, liver and spleen. 

Our 7 Major Chakras

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Our energetic body influences our balances of emotional and hormonal health and regulates our human behaviour. We can support or sync up our energetic vibration to those of specific crystals and flowers using remedies like crystal and flower essences who have their energies stored in the memory of spring waters or by using sound healing or chanting or even changing our thought patterns to align with divine love and gratitude practices. Breath is also another way to support the connection of the energetic with the physical. 

As an energy healer I feel and see changes in this subtle energy field and read them to help clear stagnant energies of the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies supporting the natural flow of vital force energy to flow.