5 ways to honour Autumn Equinox

Autumn Equinox - or Mabon is one of two balancing points of the year. Where night and day are equal and the energy tips from light to dark… 

We are on the midpoint between summer solstice and winter solstice and this marks the beginning of the Autumn change. 

You can find out more about Mabon the Autumn Equinox at daniafoster.com/blog/19

Honouring Earth Rhythms and the turn of the seasons through acknowledging the wheel of the year guides me back to myself over and over again. 

Even when we get caught in seasons of disruption, turmoil or disconnection from ourself and others I lean into the seasonal tides to circle me back in closer to myself and rekindle the connections with our values and family communication.

I have many rituals that tie into seasonal rhythms, luna rhythms and weekly and daily rhythms, these keep me anchored to showing up in alignment with my values. 

But what I want to touch on today is some easy to accomplish ways that you can connect with the energy of Autumn Equinox today! 

I know what it’s like to fall out of sync with these earth rhythms and then all of a sudden there is a celebration on the doorstep and you haven't prepared all those ideas you had waiting for you on the pinterest board… I mean come on who has time for all of that ;P

I’m very much an in the moment person and planning ahead takes lots of energy for me and I have been unwell for the last few weeks so energy is lacking… 

The energy of Autumn Equinox doesn’t have to mean one particular thing. The way I teach seasonal rhythms is to attach them to your own family values and goals.

For me personally I will be journaling deeply and releasing karmic ties to old versions of self throughout the dark phase of the year so I am in preparations for shadow work - I went very deep with that last year so this year feels much lighter to enter into - I’m almost excited to shed some skins.

To encourage the kids to take notice of the seasonal wheel of the year we keep it simple

It’s all about noticing - first we take notice of the external and then we make room to notice the internal 

A Nature Walk

Either around the garden or your neighbourhood with the intention to notice your surroundings. When you do this around the same natural space every turn of the wheel we notice changes, different amounts or colours of leaves, new flowers, butterflies or creatures, different water levels and changes in the Earth. This does not need to be a power walk to get your steps in or heart rate up, follow the child's lead - or the child within to slow down. Maybe you would like to take photos of beautiful moments in nature or even a journal to sketch or take notes of your findings together. 

Autumn Craft

After observing your surroundings why don’t you create what they have inspired within you! Is there a beautiful breeze that inspires a wind chime or bunting that flutters in the breeze or would you like to draw that butterfly you saw or the trees changing leaves? Would you like to paint the colours that you notice or the fruits and vegetables that you see growing if you are lucky to have a garden? Paint, draw, collage, bead, sew, build, sing it into being in the way that your heart is inspired. 


Do you have a veggie garden, fruit trees or even herbs growing at home? Mabon is the second harvest festival and a wonderful time to think about what you have been expending effort into in the garden, or even in community gardens or produce swaps with friends. I harvested lots of Mugwort from my garden which I am drying out for herbal magick casting and have been blessed to receive homegrown fruits from our passionfruit and from family. If you don’t have produce to harvest at home, all is not lost, it can be wonderful to go with the children to the local markets, see what’s in season and build a meal out of that! 

Mabon Feast

After seeing what is in season create a Mabon feast based around these foods, I love incorporating apples and fennel into our meals. Make them special by lighting a candle and setting your intentions together. Family conversations around the table bring heartfelt connection and even having the kids help with preparations and tidying up brings a unity of togetherness. 

Read a Story

I love reading mythology and folk tales to the kids and have created a ritual out of reading them seasonal stories while they are creating, drawing or playing. I love the book Circle Round and will share a tale from there while the kids play on the seasonal sabbat and Equinoxes. I have dropped the expectation that they are listening and watching me whilst I read and find that as long as they are quiet while playing or creating they will be listening to the stories and they don’t lose interest as quickly if they get to be busy.  

Take time to notice and come together in whatever ways work for your family. 

There is no right or wrong way to celebrate the seasonal wheel - you do it your way. You don’t need to overextend your energy or expectations on self here