Rose Infused Oil

Rosa spp.

The word rosa comes from the Greek word rodon for red, the rose of the ancients was a deep crimson in colour which suggests the story of its origins being from the blood of Adonis, the Greek God of lovers, plants and rebirth

The rose was a symbol of pleasure, opulence and sacredness.

Although it can be noted that it has been used traditionally for its astringent and tonic value, utilised in water extractions for rose water great as a facial spritz; It is most notably known for its essential oil qualities with its aroma derived from its essential oil preserved in fatty oils.

The Rose has been used in spiritual practice for centuries to evoke feelings of love, compassion and self worth.

Often associated with the heart chakra correlated to the energetic frequency of love, compassion, healing and forgiveness. Our centre for connection and dive love.

Opening and nurturing our heart chakra promotes our self compassion and opens us to receiving love and compassion into our lives.

There's something sacred about anointing your body with rose oil.

It's a declaration of love, nurturing and appreciation to ourselves and to the world that we are creating with our presence.

A love note that caresses your skin and sinks in, lingering and felt deep.

Rose Infused Oil Recipe


1/2 cup jojoba oil

1/2 cup sweet almond oil

2 tablespoons of dried rose petals

1/2 teaspoon of vitamin E oil (optional, for preservation)

5 drops of rose absolute essential oil

Solar Infusion Method

Add your dried herbs to a clean glass jar

Pour your room temperature, liquid carrier oil over the herbs, ensuring you are covering the herbal contents.

Use a dry metal spoon to mix so all herb is covered in oil with no air bubbles in your mixture

Seal the lid, and gently turn the contents in the jar. Rolling it around to ensure all herb is coated generously

Wrap your jar in a dark light proof cloth and place on a windowsill to be bathed in sunlight.

Leave in sunny position for 1-2 weeks, rolling the jar every 2-3 days to continue blending and releasing herbal constituents into the oil

When it is time to strain, place a cheesecloth or fine cloth or nut bag over a sterilised jar ( preferably dark amber glass to protect from light exposure) and pour your mixture slowly into the new jar to decant your oil.

Squeeze your cloth to get all moisture out and transferred into your new jar, being careful not to get raw herb material in your final product.

Add your rose absolute oil and vitamin E at this stage to delay oxidation and prolong shelf life.

You can decant further into small amber dropper bottles for easier usage or to share as a gift for loved ones.

Label with date made and ingredients and store in a dark cool place.


You can use any oil base that you have on hand, you don’t need to use two different types you can use 1 cup of one type of oil instead. Other options may include coconut, apricot or olive oil.

Seal the lid of the jar using a mason sealed jar, or place a piece of waxed baking paper over the jar before closing to prevent the lid from contaminating your oil.

You can compost the left over herbs or use them as a bath scrub in ritual if you are prepared to get messy.

To use as a massage oil

Pour or use dropper to pour onto the palm of your hand.

Rub your hands together, warming and distributing oil.

Massage into your body or your partners body with loving strokes intentionally moving energy towards the heart centre and out throughout the rest of the body.

To use in ritual

You may like to place a few drops of your rose oil on the palm of your hand and massage into your heart centre before dropping into a meditation.

Focusing on intentions of love and kindness, embodying love for self and others can support you to invoke this energy into your body.

You may also choose to anoint intentional jewellery with your oil to carry this energy with you whenever you choose to wear this intentional piece.

Dania Foster