Naturopathic approach to embracing the postpartum body

So many women I have known feel disconnected to their changed bodies after babies. Feel unattractive, unworthy and completely disconnected from who they were before.

We get fooled into thinking we must only be postpartum for the first 6 weeks, 3 months or first year of our baby's life. 

That this small window is the only time when we are valid in our concerns about our bodies and mental health… Such a short time frame allocated to “bounce back” according to societal expectations.

But the thing is that growing and birthing babies takes a toll on a woman and she is forever changed afterwards. It can take years to replenish nutritional depletions and fatigue that drive the dissatisfaction in your body and they only compound with additional babies, natural term breastfeeding, and intense 24/7 mothering.

To me, postpartum is anytime after we have had a baby… My baby is nearly 6 and I still consider myself postpartum. 

I know when I was first postpartum, after my oldest babe, I was so concerned about getting everything right for her, that my own needs slipped straight out the window and to be honest I didn't begin to claw them back until I was halfway pregnant with my second daughter and was feeling myself approaching breaking point.

But it doesn’t have to be this way, we can build nourishment without dropping the ball in our mothering, it doesn’t have to be that we give them our everything and leave nothing left for us.

What I want you to come to feel in your bones is the sacredness in this change. I want you to start embodying the Priestess of your Motherhood path honouring your body as an altar of creation not something to be sacrificed to keep others warm.

Foods to Nourish 

One of the biggest issues I see, and I experienced is Mother’s are actually not eating enough food to nourish our changing bodies needs. 

The more we starve ourselves, live off coffee or cups of tea or survive off the offcuts that our children discard…  

You deserve and NEED nourishment. 

Or your body is going to STORE STORE STORE in order to survive! 

Yes your postpartum weight is a protective mechanism when your body is stressed out and not getting the nourishment it needs. 

Cortisol dysregulation impacts your insulin sensitivity and throws your already unstable hormone fluctuations out of balance. Cue the mood swings and menstrual disruptions post birth that drive you further into distrusting your body's cues.

We need to fuel ourselves with good sources of protein, fats and complex carbohydrates like fruits, veggies, legumes and whole grains. But it’s not as easy as just saying eat these whole foods… 

The mother or her family village need to make this achievable - think meal prepping foods together over the weekend, making additional food at dinner time that will last into meals for lunches the next day and making sure you have one handed snacks on hand like boiled eggs, smoothies, and pre chopped fruit and veggie sticks in the fridge to go with a wholesome dip like hummus, guac or cashew cheese.

My number one tip is to ensure you’re having a protein filled breakfast before you have any coffee, think 3 eggs scrambled with a side of mushrooms, leek and spinach or a protein smoothie, or nutty granola with yoghurt and berries.

If you don’t have time to cook breakfast each morning then make something like this zucchini frittata ahead of time and take a portion of it with you on the go if you really must rush off so fast. 

Stop depriving yourself and ensure that you are nourished or it will all fall apart at the seams. 

Herbs to Nourish 

I find the use of herbals to be very individualised, it’s a match making process finding the perfect relationship for the plant to weave it’s magick with your individual circumstances. 

Do you want herbs that will support your ability to adapt to stress and reduce the impact of cortisol like adaptogens and nervous system tonics?

Do you want herbs that will reduce inflammation and oxidative stress? 

Do you want herbs that will suppress appetite and curb sugar cravings?

Do you want herbs that will address hormone dysregulation including oestrogen progesterone balance, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone rations and thyroid hormone production?

Do you want herbs that will amplify metabolism and “burn fat” 

You can see that there are so many avenues we can take when supporting you herbally and this is why it’s best to go through an in depth case-taking with your naturopath to make sure we are covering all bases for your needs.

Here’s a handful of my favourites when working with a Mumma who is struggling to embrace her postpartum body…

Withania - also known as Ashwagandha is an adaptogen and anti-inflammatory, increasing our capacity for stress so that we can make room for more of the practices that serve us like meal prepping and getting out of the house into nature for a walk.

Licorice Root - Adaptogenic and great as a tea when craving something sweet, I also love using this in a combination with other herbs like Peonia to balance female hormones.    

Cinnamon - can be used as a liquid herbal prescription but also in foods and drinks to help stabilise blood sugars, reduce cravings in times of stress.

Shatavari - Asparagus Root a female adaptogen, balancing female hormones and lifting libido to bring connection back into the pleasure centres of the body.

You’ll notice that a lot of the herbs I will go to when you are struggling with your body image are going to be herbs that nourish your nervous system. Because without a balanced nervous system it's going to be an uphill battle to bring your body love back into alignment of nourishment. 

As a holistic healer I’m not here for 6 week challenges of fat burning or purging to get you down a dress size. I’m here to nourish you at your roots for sustainable care that lasts and you can pass these lessons down to your own children as you grow through stages of life together. 

Rituals to Nourish 

This about waking up your energy with your intention in the morning, calling in your energy with a mantra, breathwork and movement helps to revitalise you. Think listening to music or a motivational podcast or audiobook while you get outside for a walk, either by yourself or baby wearing if you need to. 

Whilst evening rituals of quiet and slow guide the whole household to settle into rest. Sleep is so important for increasing nervous system capacity as well as dropping extra weight that you no longer require. I love a magnesium salt bath at the end of the day, you can do this with your babe if they are still little or wait until they are asleep to take some alone time. This is a great opportunity to do some breathwork and or journaling.  

Finish with a self massage with beautifully nourishing body oils or balms made with essential oils to stimulate your lymphatic system. Think about the way you touch your body and do so lovingly and sensually. No more pulling, prodding and slapping.

Prioritising time for you to be still and in your body is so important for embracing where you are in this stage of life and sending yourself love and acceptance. 

Next steps - Get support 

Getting a naturopath on your team who can do functional testing, ordering pathology to check things like your thyroid and mineral levels, stool testing to review microbiome balance and if there are any overgrowths of bacteria, fungal or parasites and hair mineral analysis to check heavy metal toxifications and guide you on how to nourish your body especially while breastfeeding.

You need a plan that is specific to your presentation, your results, your lifestyle and needs. If you want to know more about working with me, book a free connection call for a free chat about where you’re at and how I can help you.  

Dania Foster