Roots and Remedies for Hay Fever

It’s that dreaded time of year…


Runny or Stuffy nose...

Itchy, watery, red eyes...

Itchy nose, throat and ears...

Postnasal drip with a cough... 

Fatigue & Irritation...

Headaches, rashes & eczema...

Now that Spring has sprung you may be noticing an increase in these symptoms with the change in pollens, grasses and the trees budding new leaves.

Allergic rhinitis, seasonal allergies or hay fever, may be something you've lived with for your whole life... or it could be a ‘new to you’ experience.

Possible triggers for your seasonal allergies may include:




Pet Dander

Grass, cuttings and seed

Budding Trees and Flowers

Fragrances, laundry powders or other environemental irritants

Dry, warm weather or smoke

Stress and trauma

Hormones and even pregnancy

But underlying, at its root cause, it’s due to a highly active immune system producing specific IgE antibodies against the environment & releasing HISTAMINE, in response to these allergens. 

So you become more susceptible to hay fever when you have underlying immune conditions, unmanaged stress or trauma, pregnancy or hormonal imbalances, or food allergies.

Some possible remedies you may like to try… 

Avoid your allergens, including triggering foods that are high in histamine such as caffeine, alcohol, dairy, wheat, yeasts, fermented foods, nightshade vegetables & chocolate.

Avoid highly processed foods & food preservatives, especially sodium bisulphite, potassium bisuphite, sodium sulphite and artificial sweetners.

Include raw, local honey made from local pollens in your diet, alongside meat stocks, hot and spicy foods, fresh organic vegetables, especially pineapple for its bromelian content.

Foods high in quercetin, omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, Vitamin C and get out in the sun for your vitamin D. 

Take specific probiotics, quercetin, vitamin A, C and zinc and drink nettle or skullcap herbal infusions. 

Use a Neti Pot to flush out your sinuses, shower before bed and stay hydrated.

Spring clean, wash bedding and lounge cushions, declutter, remove dust and treat mould. 

If left untreated seasonal allergies could trigger allergy induced asthma with shortness of breath, wheezing and tight chest.

To treat the root cause, we could work together to…

Improve immunity and enhance faster recovery times

Stabilise the immune response through modulating histamine and mast cell activation.

Review genetic predisposition and explore functional testing for food allergies.

Support gut health for optimised digestive function and to reduce food sensitivities.

Reduce intestinal permeability or “leaky gut” by restoring gut wall integrity.

Address any underlying stress or trauma, impacting on an emotional level.

Support adrenal function to modulate cortisol response.

Balance hormones including estrogen

If you would like to work to the root cause of your hay fever, reach out and let me know and we can walk this journey together. You don’t have to keep putting out fires every seasonal change.