Guiding your child to connect to source energy
We want our children to be able to connect with source and have a spiritual connection, so that they will be able to know that they are divinely guided and supported and know that they are able to tune into their innate wisdom, channelling from source to know that they are one with with energy and the vital force, that healing power of nature.
This will bring them to a sense of peace, to a sense of grounded connection to themselves & to what it is that they value. Bringing them into connection with those that they care about, their family, their community, their loved ones & bringing them into connection with their passions and what lights them up and keeping them on path. We want our children to be able to connect with Source energy so that they can know themselves and know what is the right way for them. For the path that they are walking, their individual story and to be able to let go of everything that is not source energy.
Source energy is an energy of pure love, of pure gratitude, of unconditional support. It is an energy of healing and an energy of guidance, of wisdom and we want our children to be able to tap into that.
Children are born connected to source energy, as we are all conduits of this energy of love. It is the distraction of the modern world that teaches us that we are separate from Source.
We can guide our children back to their Source energy.
One of the biggest things that I can suggest for you is to be immersed in nature. As much as you can be, for our children to connect back to their natural state of being - to be connected to source energy.
Our modern society has separated us from source by separating us from nature.
The more time that the kids get to be out in natural environments, to have free play, to be able to spend their time just going for a walk and observing the changes in the season. Whether that's from day to night or whether that's from season to season. Just being amongst it and holding the energy of nature in reverence is a very simple way to connect your child back to source energy.
Now if you're somewhere that is really cold, maybe you don't want to be outside all the time. That's okay. You can make a habit of looking out the window, making a note of the weather. It could be to simply have a look for the moon, making a ritual of saying goodnight to the moon and the stars and having a look at what phase the moon is in. Being in tune with the moon is a beautiful way to connect your children with Source energy to be aware of the ebb and flow of nature, the ebb and flow of the cycles of nature.
Another way that you can help your child to connect with Source Energy is to move with the seasons and to allow the rest in the cold to allow the expansion that comes with the sun.
Allowing space for rest and space for them to get bored. Because when we are getting bored, it's when we connect it to our creative source of energy that hibernates within our belly, within the cauldron of our sacral centre.
It's in our creativity that we can connect to source energy to focus on what it is that we're passionate about. What is it that we desire? What is it that we want to create?
Giving our children that time to be bored is actually helping them to connect into that space of source energy.
The other thing that you can do is show them by modelling through yourself.
This could be through you noticing nature, you taking a moment to sit out in the sun and observe and soak in the sun's warmth, sourcing the suns energy in a sun soak meditation.
It could be that they are observing you meditate with a rhythmic pattern. And if they ask you questions you can answer them with the depth that you wish that they would access within themselves. You know your children are innately intuitive and intelligent, connected to emotion.
Let them know that you honour that in them by the way you communicate about your practices with them.
“What are you doing mum?”
“I'm meditating so that I can connect to source energy. It helps me feel full of love and energised. It gives me wisdom and clarity to know what my next steps are.”
By letting them know what it gives you when you connect with Source, when you meditate, when you do yoga, when you go for a nature walk. How is it that you're connecting with Source within yourself? Explain it to them.
It could be simply when you're gardening, it could be simply when you are creating when you're cooking, letting them know that you are opening your heart up to source energy to flow through. Letting them know that when you tuck them into bed, that you're connecting source energy when you give them a kiss goodnight and or when you kiss them when they've hurt their knee that you're channelling love from the universe through you and into them.
Because you are a conduit of source energy, as are they, we are all conduits of source energy and we channel it whether that's consciously or unconsciously all of the time.
This is pure love energy. It is there, available to us all of the time. It is always accessible for us to get to get a hold of that energy to open ourselves up to it. All we need to do is open ourselves up to receive and we will have access to this energy that is waiting to serve us.
We are one with this energy so to guide your child to connect with source, provide the opportunities and the space to be able to notice it. Give them the opportunity of boredom to be able to open up to it and connect into it from the space of their sacral energy of Creation. Through their desires, their creativity, their ambitions, allow them to be in that energy without shutting them down without making fun of it.
Communicate with them how you connect with Source yourself. Show them how you meditate by practising it daily, with your breath work with your journaling practices, free automatic writing. Let them witness you.
There’s lots of different ways that we as highly sensitive moms can be tuning into source energy and guiding ourselves back to clarity, awareness, deeper understanding and healing.
Communicating that with our children as well as all of the work that you can do to guide your children to meditate in their own ways, to guide them to connect in with card pulls, to connect in with their guides. But for now, just open the space for noticing and see how that goes for you.
Because once we have a child that can be aware of the power of their connection to Source energy. We have a child who has the ability to take the space to bring awareness of self to the forefront. bring awareness of their values and what's most important to them. And that gives them clarity to slow down and listen to what's most important for them and who they are as an individual.