Calling in my Favourite Self

I’d like to take this moment to Thank you all for being here with me through the turbulence of the years before us. We have just emerged from a 5 year in numerology, and something I have learnt from 5 energy is change and upheaval can feel very conflicting, uprooting and ungrounding and is a massive test in remaining safe in what you know to be your center. 

We need our center in these times. We are now entering a 6 year, and the 6 has always resonated with me. When I see the symbol of the six I see a pregnant belly being nurtured. It is an energy of slow nourishing grounding energy. 

I have in the past tuned into a word of the year but at the end of last year I couldn’t even remember my word for 2021. We are changed and who we were is no longer relevant. 

When I energetically tune into this year I feel that we do not need to fight anymore, we have made our choices and we simply need to stand in them. The six is a year of relationships, not just romantic relationships but forming new friendships and alliances and building new communities. Nurture each other and hold ourselves gently. We have been through a collective dark night of the soul and wherever you stand now you have aligned with what is best for you and your family in this moment. Stay in your center by nourishing your roots and community that you are now presented with. 

After the Summer Solstice and now the calendar turning to 2022, we have begun a new solar cycle, a trip around the Sun. The Sun represents the masculine force of energy, the action and source of purpose and direction, highlighting our ambition. 

A resolution is to correct a problem… but I am not a problem and neither are you. 

We are beings and in that we are constantly in motion. And it is not a linear motion of from one point we are less and we constantly move in an upwards trend of enough until we reach the point of approved… 

This energy often triggers our search for our purpose, what should you be investing your energy into this year? Where are you going and what can you do to serve??

We have been conditioned to always be searching for more of ourselves.

Just as God, divine source however you meet them, has been removed from being in the trees, the flowers, the leaves and every living creature and yes even within you and placed in an unattainable skye… you have placed your highest self out of reach in an ethereal realm that is outside of yourself. 

Our growth is messy. To truly being in growth we will make mistakes and contradict ourselves and move one way and then realise that it doesn't feel right so we will try something else. So no, I will not make resolutions this year. 

I am on a mission everyday to embrace my whole self with divine nourishing love. 

Radical self acceptance is what I am endeavoring to model for my children.  

We must be ok with our wants and needs changing or we will get stuck in misalignment simply because we are upholding an integrity to an old version of self. 

Even if that higher self version within guided you at one point, your mission is allowed to change and flex and quit. 

You’re allowed to change who you thought you would be. 

So instead we work with this solar energy to lean into our purpose with out the stagnation of strict rules and regulations of expectations that we self assign.

I refer to this as calling in my favourite self. 

I may have had glimpses of her in my past self or perhaps its a vision of who I could possibly be… caught in the traps of “if i only applied myself” and separated from reality by self doubts that it is out of reach for a variety of reasons individual to your own conditioning, ancestral stories and other realm contracts.

But we get there by connecting with one question… “How do you want to feel…?”

This is why I love vision boarding or writing out journal entries of my favourite or ideal days, surrounding myself with the beautiful oils and scents that represent my soul feelings and meditating on the way I move my body when I am aligned with my favourite self. 

Your favourite self is ever expanding, purpose fueled with a fire in her belly and is fluid in the moment… in that what she wants in one moment is different to the next. She is present and embodied.  

Every moment offers you a choice to align with her deeper. The interwoven energy of the masculinity of purpose, direction and ambition is upheld by the power of habit and aligned worth, self confidence but for a long time it has been missing the presence of the feminine embrace of imperfection, acceptance of self and the fluid nature of following the passion through the sacral center.

Opening to this is how I hold the line through magical mothering. Returning to it over and over and meeting the resistance with love every time.

Dania Foster