I have no right to educate you
I have no right to educate you…
I am a white woman in a heterosexual marriage. I was born into white privilege.
I have no right to educate you on the pains and struggle of being a black indigenous person of colour.
But I will not stand by silently.
I believe I still have a job to do here. While I’m learning. While I’m listening and trying to amplify the voices of colour.
I promise to stand up.
In spite of my lack of understanding. In spite of my ignorance.
I promise to hold space for your anger and protect your right to seek the justice you deserve.
I support compassion and I encourage all who are listening to me to always be questioning…
To be questioning what has been ingrained. To make room for changed thought patterns. To have the courage to accept that we have had it wrong for some time…
Like many of my white sisters I am confused and unsure what to say. I listened to black voices and heard they didn’t want me to speak… so I muted my presence with a black square and amplified others sharing in my stories.
Today I hear the black squares are muting the real stories...
I will probably get it wrong no matter what I do or say. I’m sorry. I’m learning and I’m trying to lead the best I can while undoing my own racism that is unconsciously within me.
I am not shocked at the state of the world. But I’m angry and I’m tired of seeing hate. I can only just begin to imagine how angry and tired you are if you are of BIPOC.
I’m allowing it to come into my awareness so I can change.
I’m speaking so my sisters can feel the courage to change.
‘Cause yeah this shit is confronting.
But I believe we are building a new world and the first stage of transformation is becoming aware of all the shit…
The shadow of the world is being revealed, so we can help it heal by showing up and saying we do not accept this and make room for the change.
Change is messy. To be heard sometimes we need to set fire. I’m not saying it’s the right way but sometimes it’s the only way when backed into a corner.
Seek out your own education from those who know the heart of it, follow the stories and listen - from your own country as well as from the US.
Donate to help those protesting
Teach your children to be anti-racist. We cannot protect them from the pain of this. The ingrained thought patterns start early, show them how to learn about their privilege.
So listen. So act from love.
Always learning, never perfect.
Dania xx