New Moon in Sagittarius
Tuesday 29th November 2016
10.18pm in Brisbane, Australia.
New Moon in Sagittarius
Sagittarius is a sign of adventure and discovery and is related to our astrological houses of religion, philosophy and belief.
This new moon is shining a light of positivity, urging us to expand our horizons and explore new experiences outside our zone of comfort.
This will in turn broaden our own understanding of ourselves & the world.
so allow your imagination to guide you through the journey of all you desire.
What do you want to learn?
Where do you want to travel?
What do you crave to experience?
It's time to set your intention.
Cast your arrow, AIM HIGH!
Be optimistic. See the humour in life.
Be outrageous with what you desire from your life!
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter making it thought provoking and abundant, in wealth and in knowledge.
This new moon is an ideal time to start anew.
Enrol in that course
Book or plan for that holiday
Be honest and inspire others
Create a vision for your future, focused around your passions and take a step towards making it a reality.
Remember... This is a time of potential and opening doors it is up to you to walk through that door.