The Portal is Open
Today marks the. Solstice New Moon Solar Eclipse, a powerful turning point.
You may have heard that Mercury has now turned retrograde, in total there will be 6 planets retrograde up until June 25th.
It may feel like chaos… it may feel like everything is falling apart.
But that’s if you are pushing with expectations… see chaos is required for creation…
These portals in time and space are teachers of surrender.
Feeling any sense of control is an illusion. There is never any control. But you can direct your breath and your thoughts with intention.
See retrogrades are a time to reconnect. To re-evaluate. To reinvent!
This portal through the Solstice is an opportunity of reclamation.
What parts of yourself have you let go to please others? Call it back to you.
What parts of yourself have you denied or rejected in order to fit a mould that is not serving your heart. Embrace them.
What parts of you have you glued to your surfaces in hope that they will show a mask of what you want to be… drop them.
Your authentic self is beautiful. Yes even with all the flaws, quirks and mistakes that have formed you.
The portal is open to step up with integrity. And as a collective love light will shine with raw beauty of truth.
Today dedicate your thoughts and prayers to what matters most to you in this life…
My girls told the rising sun they wished for more fun times with the whole family together…
I told them I asked for a blessing of Freedom as that will ensure we are happy, healthy and abundant… and then I realised that we are so much of this already and I buzzed with gratitude.
And it is that gratitude, that excitement that bubbles with opportunities and the love that tingles through your body that is heard by Source energy.
This is the language of the universe.
This is how we can trust we have been heard.