Slowing the Whirlwind

Energy has been amping up lately, I’m not sure about you but in my world it feels like we’re copping one energy storm after another… emotions are high, anxiety is peaking and it’s calling me to retreat into my cave and retract my energy which I know can be so hard as a mumma with so many things on the go! 

If you don’t keep trekking then everything will fall apart right?

This morning I was on the verge of tears about finding my daughters football socks… but that was just that familiar tip of the iceberg…. It’s exam time, my washing is everywhere… the dog was at the vets last night and I’m so bone tired from breastfeeding a three year old… my list could go on.

If you're searching deep for the magical ingredient that will help you keep all of your balls in the air, I feel you!! 

But I acknowledge we are in amongst eclipse season, we are venturing towards the longest dark with Winter Solstice approaching on the 22nd here in my part of the world and on top of everything Mercury is in retrograde!

Mercury the planet of communications is travelling what appears as reverse, drawing our energy backwards from May 30th to the 23rd of June.

Mercury, in the Greek mythology is Hermes the winged messenger of the Gods, hence the planet ruling messages, communication and technology.

He was also a trickster… He is like a forest sprite who runs ahead of you on the woodland track to place obstacles, then hides behind the tree to giggle as you stumble. 

He will trip you up if you're not aligned or if you’re pushing when you shouldn’t be.

Mercury retrograde can cop a lot of blame around our communication break downs and technology difficulties but if we take this as a time to slow down we can actually use this period to keep us aligned with our purpose, our values and even prevent burn out of our bodies, minds and plans!

Our energy is calling for retreat right now, you may be feeling extra tired, heightened emotions… hello snappy mumma or even noticing this in your kids when they might be more reluctant to comply with your needs wanting to focus on their own ventures, tuning out your voice with screens or other ways to numb from all of the too much ness of the world right now... 

We need to model healthy ways to restore our bodies and nervous systems. I know when I’m feeling so done I can get caught in the numbing process of scrolling on my phone or tuning out to netflix. 

I’m conscious of the fact that this is my system trying to block out stress… the thing is whilst it’s ignoring all my problems short term… it’s not actually restoring any energy!

When our kids are addicted to screens and tuning us out… it’s not about the screens it's about their ability to retract their energy from their problems and overwhelms and find healthy ways to restore that energy... ie reconnect!

Retract your energy. 

This is not the time to be broadcasting messages, making demands or promoting new plans and creating inspiring ideas… No wonder you are struggling to keep showing up for all those appointments and social commitments!

It is time to create space to slow down. Yes this means upholding (or perhaps creating) boundaries. 

Saying no, not only to the things you don’t want to do but also acknowledging that we can’t do it all. Sometimes we have to say not today to some things we do want to do. 

This is a time for REFLECTING on what is really important: what are the practices that you truly value for your life and what things or pretenses are you upholding out of politeness, politics or guilt?

Take pause before you speak and before you agree to events or projects. Try not to commit in advance. It’s about time we normalise saying “I’m not sure yet I’ll get back to you” without feeling GUILTY.

The people pleaser within is cringing… What are the fears that lie behind trying to make everyone except yourself happy?

How are our children receiving this message?

You are your child's advocate, I look at my week ahead every sunday and reflect on our energy… are we taking on too much? What can I adjust? Do we have enough down time?

Home days are gold, boredom is gold. This is a great time to make up some hot choccies and snuggle in blankets for a movie night or read them a chapter from a book you used to love reading as a child… or maybe if you kids are loving a particular game at the moment increase the connection by watching them play, asking questions about it or joining in! 

Go to them!

Retract your energy from matters that are not in your values list and redirect your energy where it counts!! 

No you're not a weirdo for not feeling up to ‘peopling’ right now.

Once you have created the space now it is time to RESTORE this energy! 

The best way to increase energy is using energy… but in the right way!! 

The way that’s going to actually restore you, not burn you out!

What actually strengthens you? What actually fills you back up?

Realign with this!! This will ignite the pleasure pulse… 

Allow yourself some PLEASURE without the GUILT! No such thing as a guilty pleasure… dance around to the 90’s music and sing up a storm if that is what you need right now! 

What are all the things you tell yourself you can’t have?

No we aren’t going on a bender but we are acknowledging how much joy we actually deny ourselves!

We uphold such high expectations on ourselves to maintain a level of activity, to not slack off and hold ourselves back from activating joy and pleasure...

A recent ancestral healing I guided for a client revealed etched in fears surrounding the pursuit of creative endeavours over keeping up with house chores would leave her rejected, out in the cold. Her role as wife in a loveless marriage to a husband who provided the means for her food and shelter and basic survival was attached to her worth she had assigned to her value as homekeeper. 

We must unleash our wild feminine from these patriarchal memories that live in our feminine lineage. 

The anxiety, the overwhelm, the depressive states are a reaction to disconnect from accepting our true self does not thrive in the modern framework.

An exhaustive expression of maintaining masks to conform and a constant compensation.

Through this journey of Magical Mothering we are working to trust ourselves fully, to be the leader in a new way of living that is guided by our bodies intuition in alignment with elemental energy.

We’re processing the reasons why we feel we must maintain these masks, these coping mechanisms that we implement out of survival in a world that doesn’t have our best interests at heart. 

How can we invoke our inner mother to hold ourselves in loving compassion through every stage.

It is the work we need to endeavour, otherwise I am concerned our children will follow our lead and find their own masks to survive and this cycle of the modern world will continue to break us down over and over again.

I work with elemental energy to support women and children to reconnect together through nurturing mothers to become the guide their children chose them to be.

If you would like to work with me please send me an email, or book a free chat linked below, I’d love to be your guide for your own magical motherhood journey.

Thank you so much for joining me!

Dania Foster