New Moon Rituals With our Kids
Dark Moon is the time for rest and restoration before the new cycle begins again. The new moon rises tomorrow.
New Moon is an energy of fresh beginnings, it's a fresh start. This is the time where we will be setting intentions, making our wishes or our manifestations. This is a time where we are cleansing and clearing the space to create new.
We can do these types of things with our kids but, one of the big things that I want to reiterate when it comes to rituals with kids is... keep it simple, really.
You don't need to go over the top, you don't need to do anything elaborate or say any, any long winded poems or phrases or come up with anything dramatic.
The way that we can continue rituals within the cycles of new moons and full moons and the equinoxes, in a way that is sustainable. Because otherwise it can feel really overwhelming that by the time you've just finished one, you're starting the next one, it's always planning and all these crafts and all of these things that we have to collect and do... so keep it simple.
We want to be able to create this as part of our lifestyle. These will be part of the the memories that our kids grow up with. It's as simple as just noticing the the way that the moon is moving. It might be just going outside and watching the moon phases.
Today, we just started a moon phase journal to observe the next cycle. So I said, "we can go outside and notice how the moon looks each night, and then if you would like to, you can draw your interpretation of it. So you can draw how you see the sky or how you see the moon or how it makes you feel, whatever you want to do."
So this evening, the girls went outside to find the moon and they realized it's all dark, "We can't see anything!"
I said, Well remember how I mentioned earlier that it's a dark moon, there isn't much light at the moment, that's why it's very hard to see any sign of the moon.
And the girls drew coloured in their square dark on their page. I asked them how it made them feel. And I was thinking that maybe it makes them feel a bit worried with the moon gone. But my eldest daughter said, "I'm excited to see what will come tomorrow!"
She was excited to see that glimmer of hope for the next phase. The next day, as the new moon shows its glimmer of light, it is a symbol of hope. It is that symbol of starting over.
Our role as their guides is not to direct them and say this means this, this is this... but just, ask them to open up and notice and recognize how it makes them feel inside and connect the dots on their own journey because we are just holding the space for them to create their own recognition of the magic in the world that is around them already.
When it comes to New Moon rituals, we know that it's about energy closing down, all the energies getting really, really tight and small and fading away until it's all really really taken up with darkness. This is a time where it's quiet.
We know that when the sun goes down, it's time for quiet and slow. So when the moon is tucking all its energy in, then we can say it's for us to tuck all of our energy in and then we can pull in and we can do lazy days...
Then we are making plans for tomorrow, making plans for in the morning, we're going to do our house clearing, cleansing the house of old energy. We talked about different elements that we can use to cleanse. And my girls know that salt is really cleansing. So we spoke about making some salt water and sprinkling it with our fingers and flicking it around the house to clear the energy. They thought that it was really really funny that I was saying that we should flick water all over the house to clean it. They are excited to do this with us in the morning.
So before I head off to uni for the day, we're going to do a house cleansing. So at the moment, they're upstairs, putting all of their Barbie village that they have got set up all over the lounge room. They're tucking it all away because they know that in the morning, we've got our fresh slate new beginning, we're doing our cleansing and starting again.
I asked them about different herbs, and they remembered that we use Rosemary for a lot of our cleansing rituals, I've got a little shell in the kitchen that I dry Herbs on and then I burn them and allow them the smoke from that to go through all of our open windows and doors, we often have all of our windows and doors open. It's an everyday thing. We don't just wait for new moons to do that as we're lucky we live in a warm climate.
Having an open aired home and burning these Herbs that symbolize cleansing and clearing energy just opens that pathway out for the old to float out and the new to come in. So it's just setting up these recognitions within ourselves of how we can take back the control over our energy and how we can freshen space to make room for the new to flow.
Remember the universal law of the vacuum is that if we want to manifest something, on new moon energy, if we are wanting to bring in our intentions, we need to create space for that first by clearing the space energetically will allow the abundance of the manifestation to flow into you. So we just talked about these things with the kids around New Moon.
With the rosemary is not only just using it to burn and use the smoke to to move through your house, you can also dip it in your salt water and use that to splash and around the house, you can perhaps get the kids involved with rosemary in their potion making crushing it up and smelling it when they're making their potions outside in the garden mixing all the different Herbs and leaves and things that they find. So it's a good way to just get them connected with the earth. And what the earth gives us in order to cleanse this space cleanses energy.
Knowing that we are energetic beings ourselves, we don't need to have external tools. Although playing with Herbs, salt and water, these types of Earth energies are something that I really enjoy doing and I love passing on this knowledge to my children, we must remember that the tools are just for fun, but all of the energy is actually coming from within us.
We are the source, we are the energy we are a conduit for this all to flow through us. And so it is a time when we are releasing within ourselves within feelings within ourselves within parts of ourselves that are no longer serving us. So this is something that's really really valuable in asking the kids to think about how that moon phase made them feel.
We can talk about the things that they're wanting to change, to let go of feelings, and sometimes the kids can get stuck in the physical of this toy or this thing or this need or going here or doing this. But if we can hold space for that need whilst asking for more information, we can say "okay, I see that is bothering you and you want to change that. How would it make you feel if it was different?" We are uncovering the feeling that lives underneath that.
Under the surface level is where we can do some deeper work and I understand that not all kids are going to want to go there or be able to connect with that emotion straight away or be able to name it and that's why we act as the guide.
To be able to connect with them and ensure that their feelings are validated and bring them on board with this we do need to hold this space for ourselves, we do need to reclaim space for ourselves to work out what are the needs that we have? What are we wanting to manifest? And what are we needing to let go in order to make space for that.
Connection to self is really important, so that we can then hold that space for our children.
This is what I'm working with, with women, with mothers to get to that connection to self stage. So that they can easily hold that space for their children.
To be able to model trust in your inner guidance and trust in your intuition.
For we want our children to trust their intuition, we want our children to stand up for what they believe in, and what they decern to be the right thing to do, or trust feeling into the right way to go with something. Trusting that in a gut instinct...
We need to model that by trusting ourselves and backing ourselves. Totally 100%.
It's, it's one thing to say, "trust yourself", and, "back yourself" to our kids. But it's the same as when we were told as kids to, have some self love or have some self respect, and it's really hard to do these things if you're not modeled, what it looks like...
What does it look like to help self love and respect? What does it look like to honor your own boundaries? What does it look like to trust yourself No matter what? Without the model it's really hard to get a grip on what that means.
So that's why I'm working with women to do that. In my 10 week, magical mothering mentorship, I'm teaching mothers to reconnect to their inner power and become the guide that their children need, where they do a Reiki attunement so that they can be completely attuned to the energy healing conduit and pass this on to their children. I even offer a two week mentorship with me through the reconnected package, and that can give you the steps to get yourself on the track that you need to be on.
So please, reach out to me. I would love to work with you. Reach out if you need to delve into this a bit deeper. I have so much love and appreciation for you. I hope you have a really beautiful new moon ceremony.
Lots of love, Dania