What makes a Witch?
Claiming the title of Witch has always come with such hesitance… what will be thought of me if I am outwardly proclaiming to be a Witch?
There is a wound that runs deep through the shame of claiming our magic and strength as women, one that has been squashing the power and wisdom of the feminine since the patriarchy rose to its height thousands of years ago.
I will share more on the Witch Wound with you soon, but first I want to clarify what being a ‘Witch’ means to me…
I’m not one to be fond of labels and rebel against them most of the time, but this name represents something so deep for so many women’s histories of derogatory defamation and persecution, I can feel the importance of rewriting its meaning for society today.
As the feminine energy of the planet is rising, from a time of suppression and trauma from the witch hunts that brutalized any women in their power, those who know this wild feminine power within their bones can feel safe to rise and to be seen in their full potency of light.
Any woman who could heal with the knowledge of the plant kingdom, any woman who could midwife a babies safe passage between realms, any woman who had the resilience to hold a home and land on her own after a husband had passed or any woman who refused to conform to the Christian and patriarchal rule was deemed to be evil, cast out, hunted and slaughtered.
To reclaim the title of Witch as one of strength, magic, wisdom and beauty is to return strength, magic, wisdom and beauty to the Earth… for she has been as slaughtered with the rise of the patriarchy as the maiden, mother and crone have all been used and under valued just as the Earth has been raped without care or consideration of consequence.
As I explained to my daughters as they played out the fairy tales with the ugly evil witch that lived in the woods waiting to capture and eat the children… These stories of witches are made for you to be scared of a woman in her power… A witch is simply a wise woman, connected to the power of nature and herself.
A Witch honours nature and Earthly cycles and sees the reflection of the seasons within everything including herself.
If you take care of the Earth, she will take care of you. Providing you with an abundance of resources to help you live, grow, nourish and heal…
It is reflected in the self care mantras we recite today… You cannot pour from an empty cup etc…
A Witch knows the worth of taking care of herself so that she can be of service to the Earth and those she cares for.
To reclaim your inner Witch is to reclaim your connection to the Earth by following her cycles and allowing them to flow within yourself. Allowing rest on the dark moon and expansion with the waxing moon to full… Letting go with the Autumn leaves and making room for the shadow of the winter to retreat and reassess your rebirth to come in the spring… Everything has a cycle, from relationships, projects and healing.
To reclaim your inner Witch is to reclaim your connection to self, to know your values, speak your truth, hold true to your boundaries… to not be fucked with… stand up for yourself and know your worth. To do so with love as we know that everything you put out into the world you get back times three.
To reclaim your inner Witch is to reclaim the wild elements that reside within you, just as the Earth moves mountains with her quakes and her storms that turn the seas, transforms landscapes with wildfires and hurls trees like javelins with the winds… we have these tumultuous emotions within us and our anger and our grief shall not be repressed.
To reclaim our inner Witch is to reclaim our sensitivities as strengths as a gateway into the realms of growth and access the deepest parts of self that hold the treasures that we so desperately seek. To reclaim our inner witch is to reclaim our shadows. To be courageously accepting of all that we fear and reject within ourselves.
A witch stands in the doorway between the realms, she is connected to the physical and the earthly realms whilst knowing and traveling through the veil to the other worlds of like the Fae and other times… spiralling through past life memories and down ancestral lines and journeying through the Astral to meet star families.
I believe that we all have an inner Witch, I believe that we all are an embodiment of the Goddess, the Great Mother and the Earth herself... Some of us are called to awaken her this life and others are not, and that’s ok!
If you have an inkling that I’m speaking to you, then yes I am and you are being called to reclaim your inner witch and stand in your power for this New World needs your light.
A witch is connected to the rhythms of the Earth. The cycles of the Moon, the stars and the seasons, and sees their lessons in rebirth, growth, release, change, healing and death. Reading the messages of the stars and their movements, feeling drawn to the magic of earth crystals and their healing vibrations.
We find solace in nature, in sitting in her embrace and immersing our senses in her smells and her sounds. She is our church, our place of worship and where we find connection to Earth we find connection to self. She is aware of the elements and how they work in sync with each other and within your own self and emotional and energetic body to calibrate your balance, your centred alignment and grounded truth.
She trusts the inner magic that bubbles to the surface and emerges from the empty spaces, those inner knowings that sing to her from her bones or whisper to her in the trees. Seeing the magic and the message in the leaf caught in a delivery of the wind. That feeling that calls you to add those herbs together for that cough, that knowing that your friend needs you to give her a call… that language that has been repeating through your mind all day and yearns to be spoken and acknowledged.
Trust your instincts, you are not crazy!
She is magnetic for those in need, the ones who crave a raw heart, compassion and understanding will flock to you with their pain. Your empathic, all knowing and all feeling heart will be such sweetness for those who yearn to feel loved and held. Knowing yourself and your limits will aid you when comforting and serving those who need your healing touch.
It can often be this empathic heart that keeps us on the outskirts, avoiding the large crowds and getting that irking feeling of not belonging and not wanting to get too close. That introversion born out of self protection for feeling used up and tired of all the giving and taking or the self protection from our sensitive heart feeling the rejection and abandonment for being so different and seeing the world so wildly abstract from everyone else.
We often learn from a young age that we are feeling things more intensely than expected. That we are seeing the world more ‘imaginative’ than we should… that being ‘off with the fairies’ is not as productive as we ‘should’ be… and so we protect. I’ll talk more on this again soon.
There are so many layers to the strength, magic, wisdom and beauty that make up the feminine power. You may recognise some of them already within you. Or perhaps some that were alight in you as a child but shut down or suppressed throughout your years.
Growing up in a world that doesn’t understand your differences as strengths can make you feel the need to hide yourself in your truth, away.
I would love to show you your magic, I invite you to come work with me here, the Earth needs your magic our children need your light.